Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dating an Artsy Girl: 15 Passionate Reasons Why They’re Awesome

An artsy girl has her own perception of the world, and her own projects to concentrate on. Here’s why you should add yourself to the mix at least once.

It could be graphic design, game development, painting, writing, illustrating, or music, but regardless of the path, there’s bound to be one artsy girl that’s really good at it—and really good to you.

You’ll bump into at least one creative girl in your life. Surprisingly, it might be the best chance you get for some growth of your own. No, it’s not the sporty chick trying to whip you into shape. It’s not the elementary school teacher or the compassionate social worker.

What is an artsy girl?

Creative girls have a sense of both energy and understanding, making them the perfect mixture of goal-oriented inspiration and patience when you’re burnt out. They spend their time doing their own thing, focusing on their own projects, and thus, don’t cram themselves down your throat all the time.

There’s a sense of independence there. All while being loving, accepting, and willing to help if you decide to take on a project of your own. So basically, the perfect girlfriend material.

#1 They have a sense of independence. Artsy girls aren’t the type to cling to their partners at all times, regardless of how into you they are. Their work is their first love. It’s their own personal mission to contribute something beautiful, insightful, or thought-provoking to the world.

They love you beyond measure, but they also feel the same for their projects. This means you shouldn’t ever feel threatened, because that’s the quickest way to develop problems. [Read: 13 words of advice to date a fiercely independent woman]

#2 Their view of the world is their own, and even just hearing about it doesn’t quite do it justice. Creative women are curious, insightful, and dying to learn more of the world. Their work revolves around explaining, understanding, and analyzing the world and those in it.

Hearing their points of view enlightens and, undoubtedly, makes you develop your own ideas. In essence, dating an artsy girl shows you how small you are in the giant scheme of the universe. And yet, makes you grow into a deeper version of yourself.

#3 They’re passionate about their work. Chances are, they don’t take on anything in life that they’re not passionate about. If she takes you on, then she’s passionate about you. It’s very rare to find an artsy girl that hasn’t mastered at least one thing. That’s because she works hard. So hard that there’s undeniable passion.

Creative women are driven and hell bent on creating. Therefore, they tackle your relationship with the same vigor. They take on things they truly care about, with intense passion, always seeking to please and make things better than they already are.

This is great news for you, because there is no way you’ll ever date a creative girl not genuinely interested and capable of a long-term relationship. [Read: 10 reasons passionate love can be the strongest love of all]

#4 Giving advice, or just hearing you vent, will be a forte. Sure, creative girls have a lot to say, but they know when to shut up and listen. If you need to vent about anything, just ask if they can listen to you. They’ll gladly sit down and let you vent.

If you’re looking for advice, they’re probably the best people to go to. They’ll offer insight you may not think of on your own. Furthermore, they remember how you felt and what you said, and check up with you sporadically to see if everything turned out okay. [Read: 10 little things that’ll make you a better listener in your relationship]

#5 Just being around her inspires you, even if you’re just a desk jockey. You could be the complete opposite of creative and still be inspired by her. Seeing her work, seeing the results of her time spent away from you, hearing all the stories of the creative process, all comes together and makes you want to know more about what it is she does, and how.

Even if you don’t change careers, you’ll be inspired to pick up a new book, maybe a new hobby, or simply try something you wouldn’t have otherwise. [Read: 11 simple ways to inspire the people around you]

#6 Hanging out will always feel relaxed and casual, regardless of what you end up doing. Creative women may know their way around a wine and cheese plate, gourmet food, or books and art, but something about the way they carry themselves forever feels relaxed and casual.

Hypothetically speaking, if you take an artsy girl on a date to the fanciest place on earth, she still acts the same way she does at the local Sonic. She won’t put on airs or carry herself rigidly, but rather give everything she does a sense of casualness.

#7 Some artsy girls can be pretentious at first. But a lot of the time, they’re underestimating their work, and striving to do better. This serves as good motivation to you. When you first meet an artsy woman, her drive is, by far, the first thing you’ll notice. Unless she’s drop-dead gorgeous and smells like Twinkies.

Always seeking to improve, their sense of creativity is on full-throttle a lot of the time, which means you’ll be exposed to a lot of artistic projects and may even become the subject of one of her pieces.

Furthermore, seeing all of this makes you want to do something of your own, even if it is a small-scale hobby. You may find yourself trying new things, and striving toward goals that bring you a sense of newfound happiness. [Read: 10 couple goals we actually need in our relationship]

#8 Their circle of friends will be completely different than yours. Sure, there will never be people like your friends, because they’re yours. You’ve cultivated memories, shared experiences, and managed friendship for what’s probably several years. However, meeting new people is always a plus, because you can be exposed to a whole new subculture.

People who have their own methods of entertainment and way of hanging out that challenges your own, in a good way. After hanging out with the same type of people for years, you might start to feel stuck in a rut. When a new group emerges out of the woodwork, and does everything differently, you might feel a sense of renewal, enabling you to take some insight back to your group of friends.

#9 Their methods of unwinding usually involve being funny, silly, sexual, or all the above. Thinking about it logically, artistic people have to be serious at work to get their thoughts on paper and develop those ideas into actual movies, games, books, paintings, etc. While they may have fun and goof around at work, ultimately, there’s a sense of responsibility and seriousness there.

Once creative girls are done for the day, they’re ready to relax, and that tends to involve making you laugh, being weird, or getting you into bed. Unwinding with a creative girl will be entertaining, and pleasurable, always. [Read: 10 foreplay moves every guy needs to do with their ladies]

#10 Speaking of sex, they tend to enjoy it because they see it as a method of expression and sharing love with you. This is one girl that barely, if ever, turns you down. Sex with an artsy girl is unlike any other sex you’ve ever had. They’re not afraid to be dirty, yet loving, or even borderline risky, while silly and genuine. They’ll make it hot, but they won’t be overly serious all the time.

If something funny, or potentially awkward happens, she laughs it off, amused, and then gets back into it again. She will be willing to have sex pretty much all the time, or at least most, and crave new positions, places, and toys.

Basically, sex with a creative artsy girl won’t feel like you’re going through the motions. It feels like you’re both genuinely into each other and are expressing it in a variety of ways, especially dirty ways, every single time. [Read: 15 freaky, dirty and sexy things to say and do in bed that she’ll love]

#11 While having strong opinions on just about everything, they’re not rude when they hear others. They may learn a thing or two themselves, while offering some lessons of her own. It makes for a good intellectual conversation.

If you wind up dating an artistic girl, you’ll never have to worry about her saying anything embarrassing in front of people. She knows how to handle herself according to the situation.

She makes even the stiffest people laugh or get involved in meaningful conversation. While opinionated, creative girls are curious to hear the ideas of others and dissect them with you afterward.

#12 You’ll always be on your toes with an artsy girl. She will always have stories, be up to a new project, or share in hilarity with you. Artistic people provide insight, meaningful stories, silliness, and art, of course, at all times.

The down times are a given. Ask an artistic girl about her projects, and she’ll always have some level of entertainment to share with you, so there’s no dull moments. [Read: Cute relationship: 20 signs to predict if you’re in one]

#13 The calm moments will always be serene, perhaps the most serene you’ve ever had. With hard work and passion comes a drainage of energy. After hours of working, creative women are drained. But they know exactly how to unwind, which means if you want to join in on the relaxation, get ready to feel the calmest you’ve ever felt.

You could wind up taking a bath with classical music playing in the background, or maybe even climbing onto a rooftop and sitting there quietly, sipping on a drink. Perhaps, meditating or watching iconic movies. Whatever it is, you’ll end up feeling more relaxed with her, than alone watching TV or sleeping.

#14 Despite her mind always running in 20 different directions, she knows how to turn on cruise control and let you take the reins. When she’s running herself into the ground, and you know she needs to cut things back a bit, an artistic girl listens and lets you lay down the law when needed.

She’s perfectly okay with a stern partner, because she’s secure with her position in the relationship. [Read: 15 courteous ways to be a gentleman and keep her happy]

#15 A relationship with her will be a partnership. A blend of both sharing the pants. But when you’re failing the artsy girl, she won’t hesitate to put the pants all the way on. Artistic women aren’t your average women. Rather than seeking control, or letting you take full control, she’ll focus on doing what she knows she excels at, but expects the same from you.

Playing up both your strengths, and letting both of you shine accordingly, will be a way of life. Of course, not everything is smooth sailing, so when you’re feeling tired or depressed, she won’t hesitate to pick up your slack, as long as it doesn’t become a cop out on your end.

[Read: How to be cultured in an age obsessed with social media]

At some point in time, you’ll bump into an artistic girl, if you haven’t already. Dating one is a must, at least once in your life. Not only are they passionate and loving, they’re goal-oriented and inspirational.

The post Dating an Artsy Girl: 15 Passionate Reasons Why They’re Awesome is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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