Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How To Prevent The Curse Of One-itis

Dear Seeker of Success,

You’ve heard of it.

You’ve seen it.

I know you’ve experienced it.

I’m talking about the serious mental disorder…


Now, in case you don’t know,  “one-itis, as I define it, is

“the cognitive/emotional derangement  where you are-hopelessly stuck on one woman, with whom you have not yet done the pole-into-hole dance.”

(If you are stuck on someone you are dating who doesn’t really live up to your standards, that’s a different issue. I’ll cover that in a different post.)

The cure of this “disease” is simple:

Don’t Choke The Chicken / Spank The Monkey /
Stroke The Salami Until AFTER You Are Doing
That Lovely Lady!

Now there is nothing wrong with a little self-pleasuring.

But juggling your junk over a woman you haven’t yet boffed is attaching too much meaning and significance to her.

And that’s going to screw up THE key mental frame of attracting women like flies to sh*t.

What is that key attitude you ask?

I’ll cover that in an upcoming post.

Yes…I just mind-teased you.



P.S. Joining us in Los Angeles on March 11 & 12 means discovering the right way to build true motivation that keeps you rocketing up the learning curve toward MUCH success with MANY women… not just that one.

Click here to get the whole story reserve your seat now >>>

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