Monday, January 16, 2017

The SUL: How One Move Ruins Everything With A Woman (And What To Do Differently)

Dear Seeker of Success,

I will confess that writing blogs, recording videos and audios etc are only a little fun for me these days, since I have been saying what I have to say for 29 years.

After a while, even the most amazing fountain of creativity can feel a bit empty.

But what I always love – and never tire of – is interactions with my students.

So the other day, on one of my 20 minute Skype discovery sessions with a VIP client, he noted that one of his biggest challenges is that he just doesn’t know how to transition from talking to “kissing them.”

I said:  “Let me guess. You don’t put a finger on them. You go out on a “date” and then at the end of the evening, having made no physical contact, you do the SUL”

FYI, the “SUL” is the

Sudden Unexpected Lunge

Just try to picture this from a woman’s point of view.

Suddenly a guy who hasn’t laid a finger on you is looming in your face with his tongue ready to jam down your throat.

I could see him blush over Skype and meekly nod “yes”.

Now, listen up.

Harken unto me.

Open thine ears:

  1. Stop thinking in terms of physical contact as something you do at the end of a “date”.
  2. Learn to touch her, make physical contact with her, test her comfort with touch from the very beginning so kissing can evolve as part of the natural flow of the interaction rather than some shocking interruption.

Get that concept and get the skill.



P.S. Understanding and using “The Matrix” of female attraction to make a woman feel incredibly attracted to you, helps to remove any chance of the SUL.

We will reveal this in Los Angeles on March 11 & 12.

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