Friday, January 13, 2017

3 Reasons You (Probably) Won’t Score In The Bars And Clubs Tonight

Dear Seeker Of Success,

Many times students have asked me why I am so down and pessimistic on meeting women in bars and clubs.

This is not to say that the techniques of Speed Seduction® can’t be used successfully anywhere.

(They can.)

But I personally prefer to stay out of these venues.

Here’s why:

  1. Overstimulation  Especially in clubs, there is so much noise, so many people to look at, interact with, etc etc that for me, personally, it’s hard to focus and concentrate.  And I think the women you are attempting to “Sarge” have greatly shortened attention spans in this kind of environment.
  2. Next shiny object.  In a club setting, women are too focused on the next “shiny object” to grab their attention.
  3. Cock blockers.  I don’t think I need to go into this, having done so here and here.

If you are seeking a bit of a more suitable environment, I recommend a restaurant that has a bar/lounge area.

Much quieter and higher class of people.

Ok…nothing earthshaking in this post.

But since it keeps coming up (over and over and over and over again), I thought I’d address it in a new way.



P.S. If you are interested in becoming a “DayGame Monster” and master how to meet women outside of bars and clubs, my March 11-12 Los Angeles seminar will be focusing on this.

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