“The eyes are the windows to the soul,” as the saying goes. But you might not know this phrase, eye fucking. So, what exactly is it?
Indeed, our eyes can tell a lot about who we are and what are intentions will be. After all, the eyes are an important part of the communication process, both verbally and non-verbally.
Besides this, our eyes also play an active role in our romantic exploits. It is common to hear people say that they find attractive eyes a plus for a potential partner, while some would tell how blatant ogling can get you in trouble.
But despite this, relationships all started with “the stare.” It is that moment when you discover that you’re physically attracted to that person. That’s the reason both guys and girls check people out.
But besides passive glances, there is that one kind of stare that people use to communicate romantic and sexual attraction, and that is known as eye fucking. [Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction to keep an eye on]
What is eye fucking?
The phrase eye fucking, as the name implies, is a gaze that you give to certain person in order to imply that you are physically and sexually attracted to them and that you would want to try your chances to make that stare-down version of lovemaking real.
For some people, the intention is as how it sounds, but others would take on a “testing the waters” stance to see if the target of their gaze would take the bait and probably reward the gesture with a conversation.
In other words, it is long distance imaginary sex using only your eyes.
Eye fucking vs. ogling
To quickly differentiate the two, eye fucking is more complicated and has a different intention from ogling a person. Sure, they both are physically and sexually motivated, and some forms of eye fucking will involve ogling, but the main difference is that in eye fucking, you are mostly looking at the other person’s eyes.
Ogling is the proverbial “taking a gander at the goods” where you stare at certain parts of the person’s physique. For women, it’s usually the butt and the boobs, and certain parts of the musculature for men. Ogling doesn’t really care much about the whole person, but rather the goodies that they are sporting.
Eye fucking, on the other hand, focuses on the person as a whole. It is a display of interest. While looks may initially stray on certain “key areas,” most of the time the person is suggestively staring you directly in the eyes. [Read: 10 subtle eye contact flirting moves that always work]
Strategies for eye fucking without being mistaken as a creep
First thing you need to know when eye fucking is that it is tricky. Most people are unaware of this kind of attention and may respond in a way they would to an average creepy person.
So, there is a risk in doing this. However, if you really want to play this game, there are certain ways to pull one off and maybe get lucky in the end. The main tip? Don’t be shy, yet don’t come too strong. [Read: Prolonged eye contact when flirting – what it mean and how to do it]
#1 The initial glance. This is the part where you notice. You notice that he or she is cute, and you don’t want the day to end without getting their number. For this, short glances would suffice.
Take a look at the person either directly from a distance or from the corner of your eye. Then take a look at the surroundings that you share. Are there a lot of people? Or is it just the two of you?
Having a lot of people around gives you a sort of “screen” to make a safe second glance. If you two are alone, however, it may require further courage from you. [Read: How to get your crush to notice you and like you back]
#2 Secure a vantage point. This is the part where you close the distance if you’re far away or to give yourselves some space if you’re too close for comfort. Ideally, it is a table away in front of the person, or anywhere within their line of sight. Get comfortable and prepare yourself.
#3 The second glance. The second glance is the invitation to “get caught” staring at the other person. In the case that both your eyes meet, take the initiative to linger a second longer before you move your eyes away. And if by any chance during your second glance you catch him or her looking at you, boy, it’s your lucky day. [Read: How to look into her eyes without looking like a creep]
#4 Don’t be shy and take the initiative. You see, people also take interest in other people who are interested in them. There is that compulsion to look at the person looking at you. In this small window of a moment, you must gather up courage and take the initiative to make eye contact with the person.
As mentioned, you might lose heart for the fear of being seen as a creep. But then again, what’s the worst thing that can happen other than the person walking away?
#5 The third time is a stare. This time, let’s move away from glances and go full auto with a direct gaze. Remember, you need to direct your gaze in the person’s eyes and eyes alone.
Also, you need to hold that gaze long enough for them to notice you and have a sexy little staring contest until the other person capitulates with a favorable *or unfavorable* reaction. From there, you can do other things.
#6 Smile. As mentioned many times before, a smile is the safest way to disarm another person’s guard and instantly turn you into a possible friend from your previous status as a random stranger.
However, you need to be mindful of the way you smile when eye fucking. A creepy awkward smile will blow all your efforts. The neutral friendly smile is the go-to, but if you can pull off the seductive toothless grin, go for it. [Read: How to read people – 12 secrets to figure anyone out instantly]
#7 Use posture and body language to your advantage. We have talked about how body language can ease social interactions, especially to a potential romantic partner. Smiling is one of them. You can also use other body language to sweeten the deal.
For girls, it usually involves lip-biting and hair flicking, guys on the other hand, can adopt postures that suggest confidence and gentleness.
#8 Mind their reaction. Did the person glance back at you? Did they smile back when you smiled? Minding how the other person reacts will give you clues as to whether you need to keep at your pace or maybe change your strategy.
The best possible reaction you can get is when the other person engages you in mutual eye fucking and you can go on stripping each other’s clothes off with your eyes. Just remember to follow the formula: glance, observe, and follow through. [Read: 15 obvious flirting signs between a guy and a girl]
#9 Reaping the rewards: approaching the person. You cannot keep eye fucking the whole time. At one point, someone would have to take the hint and approach the person to talk. And that person would be you most of the time.
But that also depends on how you want the situation to end. You can get up there and talk to the person, or play mysterious and leave the area without giving off that last seductive glance. Your call.
[Read: 20 signs of attraction in the first conversation you just can’t miss]
While eye fucking sounds a bit intense, is a nonverbal form of communication to convey physical and sexual attraction to a stranger. Despite the risk of getting accused as a creep, there is the exhilaration of getting caught, and the blush and rush of endorphins when the person of your interest reciprocates the stare.
The post Eye Fucking: Master the Art and Get Them to Eye Fuck You Back is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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