Thursday, May 11, 2017

Spontaneous Sex: 15 Reasons You Need It and How to Do It Right

I know you’ve heard how important it is to have spontaneous sex, but did you actually listen? In order to keep the sex exciting, follow these tips.

Sex is great. I think we can all agree with that. And if you don’t, then you’re not having the right kind of sex. Perhaps your sex life is lacking spontaneous sex. While planning your sex life may be the most realistic option for many of you out there, it’s even better when it’s spontaneous.

When you jump your partner out of the blue and get them to have sex with you, it’s unlike anything else. The surprise alone is enough to make it a great time. Not to mention the confidence boost you feel when your significant other wants to go at you so randomly.

Having sex in wild places can make it even sexier

Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex? Chances are, it’s not that extreme. Most of us prefer the comfort of our beds when it comes to getting frisky with our lovers. But that’s not very exciting and it can make the sex feel boring – even if it’s not.

When you go out and have sex in new places, it heightens everything. The emotions run higher and your adrenaline goes through the roof – only adding to the pleasure. You don’t have to go anywhere ridiculous. Even moving the activity to your living room or kitchen can have the desired effect. [Read: 15 risky places to have sex and get your adrenaline racing]

Why you should have spontaneous sex and how to do it

If you’re thinking about spicing up your sex life with your significant other, you’ve come to the right place. Spontaneous sex is a great way to do just that. Here’s why you should start having this kind of sex and how to do it just right.

#1 It’s more exciting. This is just a given. When you don’t know the sex is coming, it’s far more exciting than if you sit and plan out when you’ll have it. Your emotions will spike by the surprise of it and that increases the overall joy of it. [Read: 20 exciting ideas to blow your lover’s mind in bed]

#2 Your partner will feel great about themselves. This is a benefit not many people realize when it comes to spontaneous sex. But think about it. You basically grab your significant other out of the blue and go to town on them. That’s a huge confidence boost for them. They feel like you just couldn’t help but have sex with them.

#3 Doing it when the urge strikes is the most satisfying. Have you ever felt really horny around your significant other but put off sex until it was a “better time?” If that’s the case, you just need to stop.

Having sex when the mood strikes can be overwhelmingly satisfying. You feel the urge and you just go for it – provided you’re in a place you can escape to get it on. You get those needs met right away and it feels so much better than waiting. You can’t get that urge back to the same degree when you put it off. [Read: 15 ways to have the sexiest quickie every single time]

#4 It’ll keep the anticipation high all the time. Because you and your partner will never know if the other will randomly try to have sex. When you incorporate spontaneous sex into your regular routine, you’ll both always be on edge. You’ll always be wondering when they’ll try to get with you next.

#5 It’s the most sincere. This is really the bottom line of why spontaneous sex is so great. It’s just very sincere and honest. You want them really bad and right in that moment. If you schedule sex, it becomes an obligation. You feel as though you need to be horny and get the job done.

But when it’s spontaneous, you’re having sex because it’s what you want in that moment. It’s how you feel right then and there. And that’s the sincerest form of sex.

How to have spontaneous sex the right way

Yes, there is a right way to have spontaneous sex. If you’re ready to surprise your lover with some action in the sack, here’s how you can do just that.  [Read: 10 spontaneous romantic moves men should try on dates]

#1 Surprise them at work. Show up to their work with some lunch for them – and give them a little something special for dessert. This works extremely well if they have their own office. They’ll be relaxed and ready to finish out their day afterward.

#2 Hop in the shower in the morning. Doing this is very simple. It’s also a great way to start any day. While they’re getting ready in the morning, slip in the shower with them. It doesn’t even have to be very long. A quick romp before work can also set a positive tone for the rest of the day. [Read: Make shower sex out of this world with these tips]

#3 Interrupt them while they’re doing chores. You may have to practice this one with caution, but if you can do it, it’s the best. There’s no better way to show your appreciation for your partner’s hard work on the chores than spontaneous sex. Walk up behind them while they’re doing dishes and start kissing their neck. Let it escalate from there.

#4 Ladies, skip the panties when wearing a dress out to dinner. If you’re feeling particularly frisky, don’t put on panties. Wear a dress to dinner and let your lover know you aren’t wearing any. Then pull him into the bathroom with you and get it on.

#5 Go public. Although this may be a little controversial, it’s also very exciting. A great place to randomly try to have sex with your partner is out in public. You’ll have to be very careful if you try this. But if you can do it, the adrenaline rush is worth it. [Read: How to get naked and get it on in public]

#6 Middle of the night sex. This is another one that you’ll have to be careful of, but you can always try. If you wake up in the middle of the night with the sudden urge, give your partner slow, soft kisses. See if they rouse enough for you to arouse them.

#7 Pull out some mid-movie moves. If you’re having a movie night with your significant other, try to put on the moves. Start kissing their neck and grabbing them in all the right places.

#8 Park the car on a back road if you’re driving. This is a really fun way to have spontaneous sex. If you’re driving around and suddenly have the urge to bang your partner, take a different way home. Park the car down some back road and go to town. [Read: Steamy sex in the car – Here’s how to do it]

#9 Grab them when they walk in the door after work. The second they walk through the door, grab them and have your way with them. You may have to wait for them to get settled. However, if you know they’ll be up for it, do it right away.

#10 Double the fun. After you’ve just had sex and got your breath back, go for round two. This is spontaneous in the sense that your partner won’t expect a second time. Be the one to suggest it and get that double fun done!

[Read: Sexual bucket list – 17 fun sex ideas you have to try]

One of the best things about spontaneous sex is that you can literally do it anytime, anywhere. Surprise your partner with the best sex of their life the next time they walk through the door.

The post Spontaneous Sex: 15 Reasons You Need It and How to Do It Right is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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