We all have doubts about whether someone finds us attractive. And sometimes it’s hard to tell, but here are the signs he wants you bad.
You know, sometimes when I couldn’t figure out if a guy was into me, I just looked deep into my gut instinct and put my ego aside, accepting that he doesn’t want this piece of fine ass.
But other times, I just really couldn’t figure out if a guy was into me or not. I mean, sure he was staring at me, but then he just stood there like a deer in headlights… how am I supposed to figure it out?
On top of that, all guys are different. Some guys will approach you, acting like they’re really interested and then nothing comes out of it. Some will hit on you just to feed their ego, and others will be into you, and you’ll literally die not knowing the truth.
See? So, if a guy is showing you the signs we’re going to talk about, then he’s into you. If these signs aren’t there, it doesn’t mean he’s not into you, but there’s probably less chance that he is. I know, I know, love is complicated… tell me about it.
Here are the signs he wants you bad
Men aren’t that hard to figure out, you just need to be paying attention. They’re a lot less complicated than we are. But then again, when he wants you real bad, he’ll be extra cautious around you because he’s too scared to lose you. So, let’s look at the signs he wants you bad. [Read: Does he like me? 18 signs to decode his body language]
#1 He tells you. Maybe he’s had one too many beers, but he’s telling you to your face that he wants you and he wants you badly. You can tell when someone just wants to fuck you, and when they want to devour your body, mind, and soul. You can feel it and see it in their eyes. So, pay attention. If he tells you that he wants you badly, he isn’t lying.
#2 He laughs at everything. You’re not that funny. I mean, even Eddie Murphy had jokes that flopped, so let’s get real. But this guy, he’s laughing at everything you say, he just thinks you’re hilarious.
When you like someone, you usually find whatever they say to be hilarious. Don’t ask me why, maybe it’s all the pheromones floating around in the air. So, if he’s in tears at your jokes *which are probably mediocre at best*, he’s into you.
#3 He pays for everything. In fact, he insists that he pays for your dinner or movie. He wants to take you out. To some people, this is now “old fashioned,” but it’s him showing his appreciation for you. That is one of the huge signs he wants you bad.
This doesn’t mean you have to sleep with him, remember, you don’t owe him anything for that. But it’s a gesture which shows that he’s not just trying to stick it in. I mean, if he takes you to his house for a date, then, he’s just trying to fuck you, so don’t be fooled by a “home cooked meal.” [Read: 17 signs he likes you more than a friend and wants to ask you out]
#4 He texts you throughout the day. If he asks you how your day’s going, what you’re going to do after work/school, he’s interested in seeing what you’re up to.
If he was just into having sex with you, he would only text you when he needs you. So, if he’s taking the time to text you throughout the day and chit chat with you about whatever, then he’s interested. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes you via his texts]
#5 He’s not pushing you to have sex. Let’s not play dumb, he wants to have sex with you. In fact, if you suggested it, he would have had sex with you days ago. But, he’s playing it cool.
He’s dying inside, but on the outside, he’s not pressuring you to do anything. That’s the trait of someone who really respects you and values you as a person. If he’s pushing to have sex, then he may not be into you for the reasons you think he is.
#6 You already met his friends and family. He’s already taken you to meet his friends, maybe you got to meet his mom as well. Guys don’t introduce girls to anyone unless they’re really into them.
Why would any guy subject themselves to endless questions about this girl? Who is she? Do you like her? What does she do? See what I mean? They have to really like you to endure question time. This is one of the obvious signs he wants you bad. [Read: 30 guaranteed signs he really, really likes you already]
#7 He asks you out frequently. If someone wants to see you, they’ll try to see you. It’s really that simple. If you’re not sure a guy is into you or not, just watch to see if they attempt to take you out on a date.
If they tell you they’re going to call you in a couple days and they don’t, well, they’re not really that into you. So, remember, if a guy really wants you, they’ll move mountains to do it.
#8 The guy is on time. Believe it or not, being on time is another one of the signs he wants you bad, because people who are on time are people who actually give a shit. Plus, it shows that they also respect your time.
If someone is always late to meet up with you and they don’t actually have a valid reason, well, just assume that they were forcing themselves off the couch to see you. If a guy wants you badly, he’ll be there right on time.
#9 He’s no longer on Tinder. If this guy has deleted his dating apps, whatever they are – Tinder, Badoo, OkCupid – he means business.
I mean that’s his portal to an endless supply of pussy, but he gave that up for you. Think about it, to delete your dating app is one of those pretty big signs he wants you bad, because that’s saying you’re not interested in anyone else but this one person. [Read: 15 clear signs he wants a relationship with you]
#10 He’s all up in your social media. He’s added you on Facebook, and he’s following you on Instagram and Snapchat. Whatever the social media, he’s on it. That’s the best way for him to get to know you and see what your lifestyle is like.
Plus, he also gets to see if you’re single or not – I mean, why else would we use social media? Oh, right, cat videos.
#11 He’s straight up with you. He’s not into playing games. He’ll tell you about his last relationship and why it didn’t work out, he’ll tell you what he’s looking for, what he’s like as a person and things you should know about him.
We all have a past, and if he really wants you, he won’t hide anything from you. Now, if he’s leaving out important things from his past, that’s a red flag. [Read: 25 sure-fire signs that tell you if a guy really likes you]
#12 He listens. There are guys who nod their heads and smile when you talk, and then there are guys who are actively listening to you and engaging in conversation. You want the latter, because is is another one of the signs he wants you bad.
If you wanted someone to nod and smile, you would date your dog. If he’s engaged in conversation, then he’s genuinely interested in getting to know you and forming a relationship with you.
#13 He gets protective. Now, not like Edward from Twilight protective. I’m talking about him being worried about you walking home alone or having random guy cat-call you. That type of protectiveness. If he’s getting obsessive, this is a whole different story, one that you should end.
Being protective shows that cares about you, but don’t get this mixed up with being territorial. Guys can get like that as well when they’re trying to prove that you’re “theirs” – whatever that means. [Read: How guys flirt – 15 little things they try to impress a girl they like]
#14 He’s all about the manners. This guy is opening doors for you, taking you out for dinner, not tongue diving on the first date. I mean, he’s going textbook gentlemen with you.
That’s because he respects you. If he was just in it to fuck you, well, you would have already slept with him by now. If a man wants to get laid, they’ll work their magic to get into your pants. [Read: Is he a player or a gentleman? The clear giveaways you can’t miss]
#15 When you’re in a rut, he’s there. Now, he may want you really badly, but more in the sense that he wants to fuck you. That’s not bad, but if you’re expecting something deeper, like a deeper wanting of you, don’t.
Now, if he really wants to be with you, if you’re in a rut, he’ll be there. That’s how you tell the difference between someone who genuinely likes you and a fuckboy. There. It’s that simple.
#16 You feel the energy. When someone wants you badly, but I mean, really badly, you can feel it. You can actually feel their energy. They’re into you, so, whether they’re shy or not, you’ll feel that the vibe between you two isn’t based on friendship.
Whether you want him back or not, you’ll have this feeling in your stomach that if you were both drunk, home alone, someone would try to make a move.
[Read: 15 super obvious signs a guy is totally sexually attracted to you]
Now that you know the signs he wants you bad, it’s time that you paid attention the next time you’re around the guy. See if he’s showing any of these gestures. If so, take a leap and make a move. Maybe that’ll help relieve the situation.
The post 16 Signs He Wants You Bad: Is He Irresistibly Attracted to You? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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