Monday, January 16, 2017

Girly Stuff Stereotypes: 15 Typical Things Not All Girls Like

Never make the mistake of thinking that all girls like the same girly stuff. Here are the classic girl things that not all girls have interest in.

No two girls are alike, that much I’m sure you’ve discovered on your own. But there are still generalizations about what types of things all girls like. People label things, shows, activities, and even foods as girly stuff, but a lot of girls don’t give a shit about them.

With the world focusing on more gender equality aspects of life, it’s no wonder this topic has taken up controversy as of late. We all know just how much girls disliked being generalized before. Now it’s much, much worse.

Why girls HATE to be generalized

I’m pretty sure girls hate generalization at least 50 times more than guys do. Why? Well, because girls want to feel unique. We want to feel like there’s nobody out there who is just like us.

While that may be obvious because no two people are alike – not even identical twins – it’s still something we strive for. So when you assume we like something because it’s girly stuff, you’re putting us in a certain category, and we feel like we’re being bunched together with people we’re not like.

Typical girly stuff that not all girls like

There is a very long list of girly stuff that not all girls like in any way, shape, or form. Hell, there are women out there who like more “guy stuff” than they do the things that are labeled as girly.

Although this list could go on for days, I’m going to focus on the very prominent things that are typical girly stuff that not all girls are interested in. Here are the things you should never assume all girls like. [Read: 22 unintentional girly things you do that guys love]

#1 Makeup. I’ll let you in on a little secret that most people don’t know, and if they do, they ignore it. Not all girls like makeup. Some of us even despise it. I only wear makeup on the most special occasions, and even then, it’s mascara and a bit of eye shadow.

And let me tell you, I’m miserable when I wear it. It makes my face feel like it’s suffocating, and I enjoy the look of real skin. Not skin that’s been coated by liquid that can never match the color of it. I know many girls just like me.

#2 Dresses. Some girls would rather chew off an arm than wear a dress anywhere, yet for some reason people label this as a girly thing and assume all girls will wear them to fancy events. It’s infuriating to know that some people expect girls to like dresses.

#3 Flowers. Some girls LOVE flowers. Notice my use of the word “some” because there are also girls who think they’re pointless. Although flowers are typical girly stuff, there are plenty of girls out there who would rather not watch these colorful plants die in a vase. It’s sad to them. [Read: 23 things girls wish guys knew about a girl’s mind]

#4 Pink stuff. This is probably the biggest thing that people label as girly, and it’s a COLOR. How can a color possibly be assigned to a gender? For whatever reason, it has been, and there are so many girls out there who hate it.

I personally don’t like the color pink. I’ve never been one to jump at the opportunity to have pink things, and I actually would prefer blue tinted things that are normally seen as “boyish.” I’m sure plenty girls feel the same way.

#5 Glitter. *Vomit* For real, glitter should never be labeled as girly stuff. Sure, the shimmery aspect of it may make people think a girl was involved, but I think girls hate this stuff more than guys do. It gets everywhere, and glittery things aren’t always liked by girls. So don’t assume that just because it has glitter on it that girls will like it.

#6 Having long hair. Back in the old days, having long hair was a sign of youth and fertility, so many women would grow it to great lengths in order to show potential suitors they were capable of bearing many children.

Nowadays, girls have long hair because they want to, but I know plenty of girls who would rather keep their hair in a pixie cut than ever grow it out again. Therefore, we can’t just assume all girls like having long hair. [Read: 12 Dating stereotypes of women in a man’s mind]

#7 Butterflies. I’m not really sure when or how butterflies – an insect – was ever assigned to a specific gender. Why are they something girls are supposed to like? There really isn’t any relevance to them.

Maybe it’s because they’re colorful and pretty? That being said, not all girls like butterflies, and I actually know someone who is terrified of them. This typical girly stuff isn’t really something all girls like.

#8 Heart shapes. When girls are young, they usually take to drawing little hearts in their notebooks with a boy’s initials they have a crush on. Because of this, many people assume all girls like heart-shaped things. Unless a pizza is shaped like a heart, I don’t like it… and neither do many girls. [Read: Misconceptions of dating a feminist that all men must know]

#9 Nail polish. It’s always been known that girls like to be trimmed and kept and that means nail polish is usually involved. This gives people the impression that ALL girls like nail polish, when in reality, some girls really couldn’t care less about the color of their nails.

#10 Romance movies. *Insert dramatic eye roll* That is often my reaction when people – mainly guys – say they don’t like romantic movies because they’re “girly.” And to that, I say that I think I know more guys who watch romance movies than girls.

Sure, the aspect of love and romance is typically something girls enjoy more than guys because we’re more in touch with our emotional side. But there are more than a few girls I know who would rather watch a horror or action movie.

#11 Fruity cocktail drinks. This is another thing that many guys will stay girls like. Instead of beer or hard liquor, they assume girls like “girly drinks” that are pink, purple, and fruity. However, I will tell you from experience that guys enjoy those drinks far more than girls do. [Read: Party hours – What your favorite drink says about you]

#12 Kittens. Okay, okay, I’ll give this one to you. Girls are very open about their love for kittens and fluffy things, but some girls really don’t like cats at all.

I also happen to know quite a few men who would much rather curl up on the couch and cuddle with a kitten than play video games or other “manly” things.

#13 Bows. Why is it bows are labeled as girly stuff when bow ties are worn by men? Not all girls like to wear bows in their hair and on their dresses. This is just another thing that most people think girls like that an awful lot of girls would rather never even wear.

#14 High heels. As girls become women, it’s assumed that we’ll start wearing heels because it’s girly stuff. However, there are far more girls who would rather stick to a pair of sneakers – probably picked out of the men’s section – than to break an ankle attempting to strut around in a pair of heels. [Read: 25 things guys find sexy and attractive about a girl]

#15 Jewelry. With all the commercials of men buying women jewelry, it’s easy to think that ALL girls want this as a gift and to wear every day.

I’ve actually had to communicate with boyfriends that I actually DON’T like jewelry, and yet, some still happened to buy me some because it’s supposed girly stuff, and they assumed I liked it anyways. Let this be a lesson to all of you, not all girls like jewelry.

[Read: The guys’ views on what’s sexy vs. what’s cute about a girl]

When society has labeled things as girly stuff for so long, it’s easy to forget that not all girls actually like those things. Please make sure that you’re not lumping a girl into a group she doesn’t want to be in.

The post Girly Stuff Stereotypes: 15 Typical Things Not All Girls Like is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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